Thursday, March 15, 2007

Big Blue Eyes

This is my other baby girl, my niece, Emerson. She is 18 months old. These girls have the most prettiest blue eyes. Down below is the wild man Aidan, my nephew. Doesn't he just look like the typical man in his thrown?! If you're wondering what happened to his hand him being a wild man that he is was running around his living room and fell and put his hand through their glass french doors!! OUCH!! He had to get 7 stitches in each his middle and ring finger. God love him. Boys will be boys! Thank god I have girls!! :)


Judy said...

Beautiful girls! Handsome man!

AmyWhit said...

Those girls are gorgeous! Like you said, their eyes are beautiful.

Sorry to hear about the little guy. I hope he's doing okay now! He looks like he's all boy...and such a cutie!

jamie said...

Little Boys do grow up to be Men, I guess. Or are Men little boys?? The kids are so cute.

Shelia said...

Hmm, I still say boys are easier! We have 3 hormonal little girls, and man can they make a house cranky! LOL